Our hospital excels in clinical pathology services, we utilize state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge techniques to analyze various samples and provide accurate diagnostic information. We offers comprehensive tests in complete urine analysis for early detection of kidney disease and UTI, body fluid cell count, and semen analysis. Our team of experienced pathologists and technicians ensures that all tests are performed accurately and promptly, providing timely results to aid in clinical decision-making and patient care. We are committed to delivering high-quality clinical pathology services that contribute to the overall health and well-being of our patients.

  • Leica TP1020 - Automated tissue processor.
  • Medimeas - Tissue embedding machine.
  • ROTEK- Tissue flotation bath.
  • Thermo scientific HM325 - Automated microtome.
  • Medimeas Hot plate –
  • hematology Coulters, Horiba Medical Yumizen H550 and one SYSMEX XP 100
  • Uri-plus 600 - Urine chemistry analyzer fully automated
  • Hemostasis Analyzer
  • ALI FAX Roller 20c for ESR
  • REMI centrifuge